Thursday, May 31, 2012

You Wanna See Something Really Scary?

Last time, I promised that my next post would be about a new project. Well, that was so long ago that I believe the statute of limitations has expired, so it can't legally be classified as a lie.

I don't have a new project here.

I have new stuff to write about, but not right now. No, I have another purpose here.

So, there's this blog called Funky Junk Interiors that I read. Donna, the lady who writes the blog, does a really great job and features some wonderful ideas for decorating with...well...funky junk.

Yesterday's Funky Junk post was called The One Scary Thing Challenge. The jist of it is that you pick something that's scary to you, then you do it. The kicker is that you only have a week to do it. Not much time, so you have to be dedicated to making it happen.

There are a number of things that scare me. I don't really care for heights. That movie, The Ring...yeah, that's scary. Stupid people with power. Really scary.

But, I need something that I can stare down and defeat within a week. Here's my scary thing.

Yep, that's my garage. Really, it's only half of my garage. The other half is actually a fully functioning garage where Tanya parks her car. My scary thing is to tackle this half of the garage and get it cleaned up.

I could really use the space for working on my various projects, so I'm going to make it happen. I really love working on my sometimes silly, always cool projects. I really don't like having to do it in ridiculously cramped quarters. Time to do something about it.

1 week...

And, that new project will be here soon.

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